Claiming S3-compatible object store buckets#

This doc brings a brief summary on how to request a hosted S3 buckets within the Operate First managed deployments. We use the ODF operator to manage our Ceph storage. We use Nooba operator as part of the OCS platform to provide S3 object store. As such all buckets are to be provisioned using the Noobaa storage class.

Claim a new bucket#

Deploying a following resource within your application will grant you a bucket:

kind: ObjectBucketClaim
  name: CLAIM_NAME # Must be unique: you can't name it the same as any of your secrets or configmap. More details below
  generateBucketName: CLAIM_NAME-
    maxObjects: "1000"
    maxSize: "2G"

You can use bucketName property instead of a generateBucketName if you wish to set a fixed bucket name. Please be advised that a bucket name must be remain unique in the whole cluster, therefore we would prefer if users either used unique prefixes for the bucket names or refrained from using bucketName property (use the generateBucketName instead please).

Once deployed and bound, the ObjectBucketClaim resource will be updated. Additionally a new Secret and a ConfigMap are created in the same namespace. Both the secret as well as the configmap use the same name as the claim resource. Please make sure you don’t overwrite any of your current secrets/configmaps.


The auto created secret CLAIM_NAME contains 2 properties, which provide access credentials for this bucket:




The auto created configmap CLAIM_NAME contains 4 additional properties, which specifies means to access the bucket:

  • BUCKET_HOST which corresponds to an internal cluster route to the Noobaa service (usually s3.openshift-storage.svc)

  • BUCKET_NAME which holds the unique name (in the cluster) of the bucket, prefixed with what was specified in spec.generateBucketName of the ObjectBucketClaim




Usage in deployment#

In order to use the bucket within your deployment, you can import the information from the Secret and ConfigMap as environment variables:

    - name: mycontainer
        - configMapRef:
            name: CLAIM_NAME
        - secretRef:
            name: CLAIM_NAME

Alternately, you could expose these values as files on the filesystem by creating volumes from the Secret and from the ConfigMap.

External access#

Accessing S3 bucket from outside of the cluster is possible using the s3 route exposed in openshift-storage namespace. For example, when logged into the smaug cluster:

$ echo $(oc -n openshift-storage get route s3 -o jsonpath='{}')