Kafka Runbook#

Key Locations#



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MOC-Smaug Prod


- kfdef app
- kafka resources

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Kafka Overview

N/A - pending

Some items to take note of:



Desired Value

Action if out of desired range

Brokers online

The number of kafka brokers active in the cluster

This should match whatever number is configured in Git for the cluster size (currently 3)

Check kafka broker pods for restarts or pod logs for signs of error

Under replicated partitions

The number of kafka partitions that don’t have replicas fully in sync


Check kafka broker pod logs for signs of errors

Offline partitions count

The number of kafka partitions that don’t have any replicas online


Check for offline Kafka brokers. Check for kafka topics that don’t have replication fully enabled.


You will need cluster admin to access openshift-operators and need to be in the operate-first ocp group to access opf-kafka namespace.


Our Kafka instance is managed by the Open Data Hub operator.

Kafka Topology#

There are several different types of pods associated with our Kafka deployment. They are as follows:



Strimzi cluster operator

This is the main Strimzi operator pod. It orchestrates all other pods and resides in the openshift-operators namespace.


Zookeper performs controller election, cluster membership and maintain a list of all topics and configurations for the kafka brokers.

Kafka Brokers

Kafka brokers handle and store the topic log partitions and services the consumers and producers. These are deployed and managed by the Strimzi Operator.

Kafka Connect

Kafka connect utilizes various connectors to connect the Kafka cluster to a variety of data sources and streams. These are deployed and managed by the Strimzi Operator.

Kafka Admin Scripts#

Kafka comes pre bundled with a number of administrative scripts. These are located on each of the Kafka broker pods in the /opt/kafka/bin/ directory. Some particularly useful scrips are as follows:




View topics in the cluster, information about a specific topic, create a topic, etc.


View statistics about a consumer group


Manually produce messages onto a topic


Manually consume messages from a topic


Manually reassign partitions of a topic to a different broker node


Query log directory usage on the specified brokers

Smoke Test#

Some steps to take to ensure that the Kafka cluster is performing as expected are as follows. These all require rsh’ing into a Kafka broker pod and running the above admin scripts.

Ensure kafka topics exist#

/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost --list

If topics are not listed, something is wrong.

Ensure kafka consumer groups#

/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server three-kafka-bootstrap:9092 --list

If no consumer groups are listed, something is wrong.

Check consumer group lag#

/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server three-kafka-bootstrap:9092 --describe --group $NAME

You will need to replace $NAME with the name of a particular consumer group. If the group lag is large and growing, something may be wrong.

Common Debugging Steps#

Topic partition reassignment#

From time to time we may need to manually reassign Kafka topic partitions. This may be done if disk space consumption across the Kafka brokers becomes unbalanced. In theory this should not happen since all of our Kafka topics are replicated across all brokers. To perform a rebalance, you first need to create a topics-to-move.json file listing which topics to move. The format of the file should be as follows:

  "topics": [
    {"topic": "dynamic-exd-meteor"},
    {"topic": "dh-test"}

You can then auto-generate a recommended balanced allocation of the topics listed by running the following command:

/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-reassign-partitions.sh \
  --bootstrap-server three-kafka-bootstrap:9092 \
  --generate \
  --zookeeper localhost:2181 \
  --broker-list 0,1,2,3,4 \
  --topics-to-move-json-file /tmp/topics-to-move.json \
  > /tmp/reassignment.json

Inspect the /tmp/reassignment.json file to ensure that the recommended allocation seems sane, then to apply it, run:

/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-reassign-partitions.sh \
  --bootstrap-server three-kafka-bootstrap:9092 \
  --execute \
  --zookeeper localhost:2181 \
  --broker-list 0,1,2,3,4 \
  --topics-to-move-json-file /tmp/topics-to-move.json \
  --reassignment-json-file /tmp/reassignment.json

You may also need to do this to decrease the replication factor.